AI Native Flow Case Study #2 – Dify – Trending News Discovery and Summarization

⚡️ Scenario
I’ve been looking for a way to track the latest AI industry trends through keyword searches, and I recently discovered that Dify can help me achieve this! Excited to see how it can simplify finding the most relevant news.
⚙️ Workflow Breakdown
1️⃣ Input keywords and use TavilySearch to retrieve relevant URLs.
2️⃣ JinaReader fetches content from the URLs.
3️⃣ GPT summarizes the content.
4️⃣ Convert the GPT-generated summary and format it to output exactly what you need.
💡 Insights
After testing the workflow, it nearly met my needs by summarizing recent trending news. However, there were some repetitive results, so I made a few optimizations.
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