Happy Birthday, AI Native baby!

Image from MIT Technology Review.
You’re not just any baby—you’re an AI Native baby, born into a world where intelligent machines are your companions from day one. From your first heartbeat monitored by AI to your future classrooms guided by smart tutors, you’re the first generation to grow up with AI as a constant presence, learning and evolving alongside you.
As an AI Native baby, you embody the fusion of humanity and technology, representing infinite possibilities for the future. How will you and these intelligent agents shape the next 125 years? That’s a story only you can write. 🌟
For more insights on the AI Native generation and their future, check out our recommended article by Kara Platoni from MIT Technology Review: https://www.technologyreview.com/2024/08/15/1096178/125-years-predictions-babies-digital-agents/?truid=*%7CLINKID%7C*.
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